San Juan College Honors Program
SJC Honors Program
SJC荣誉项目在过去几年中有了显著的增长, due in large part, to our philosophy and the commitment of the SJC faculty 成员, students, and staff. SJC荣誉课程是独一无二的,使个人能够在火博体育的学术生活中获得成功. SJC每学期开设荣誉课程,所有学生都可以参加.
SJC Honors Program Mission:
- 在寻求这些挑战的学生中促进批判性思维和更高水平的学习
- 提供跨学科和创新的学习机会, creative environments beyond the traditional curriculum
- To better prepare students for their careers, scholarship opportunities, and transfer to four-year institutions
Benefits for Students
完成至少12小时的荣誉课程,成绩不低于3分的学生.在荣誉课程中获得0分或低于B分,累计平均绩点不低于3分.25 and an overall grade point average of no less than a 3.25, will graduate as a San Juan College Distinguished Scholar.
Distinguished Scholars receive special recognition at graduation, 他们作为荣誉毕业生的身份记录在他们的永久成绩单上.
这些学生将获得一枚亲自雕刻的毕业奖章, be recognized at Graduation, 并将他们作为杰出学者的身份记录在他们的永久成绩单上.
一年一度的梅里恩学者奖是梅里恩石油公司慷慨解囊的结果 & Gas Foundation.
In addition to Graduation Honors, each year at the Honors Forum and Reception, students will be recognized in the following categories.
Merrion Scholar of the Year: One outstanding student will be recognized based on a ranking of:
- 的 number of Honors hours completed
- Honors GPA
- Overall GPA
这名学生的名字将被永久地刻在学习公共休息室的梅里恩年度学者牌匾上, receive a check for $500, and a personalized engraved plaque.
Merrion Master Scholar: 学生完成至少18小时的荣誉课程,成绩不低于“B”,最低和总平均绩点至少为3.60 in those courses.
的se students will receive a Merrion Master Scholar Certificate, 把他们的名字永久地刻在学习公共休息室的梅里恩硕士生牌匾上, and receive a check for $300.
Merrion Distinguished Graduate: 完成至少12小时的荣誉课程,成绩不低于“B”,最低平均绩点为3分的学生.25 (in those courses) and an overall GPA of at least a 3.25.
Honors Courses
San Juan College offers Honors Courses in two basic formats:
- Embedded Honors Courses: 通常为荣誉学生和非荣誉学生提供的核心课程. 与非荣誉学生相比,荣誉学生对课题进行了更深入的研究,并要求更高的学术标准.
- Special Honors Topics Courses: offered periodically. 的se classes provide opportunities to study a variety of topics, often in an interdisciplinary and/or seminar environment.
的 vast majority of honors offerings are embedded honors courses, 哪些是荣誉学生和非荣誉学生同时入学的常规课程. 这些课程为所有入学的学生提供了丰富的学习环境, 除了为教师和火博体育提供几个优势之外. 嵌入式荣誉课程为学生提供了更丰富、更严格的教育体验,与传统课程相比,其不同之处要么是要求学生学习的质量和深度,要么是对学生学习成绩的标准要求,或者两者兼而有之.
每学期都开设荣誉课程,所有学生都可以参加. 核心课程的荣誉部分可以代替常规部分. 荣誉专题课程将在毕业时计入选修学分. 学生可以选择在第二周的教学结束时通过删除/添加表格添加荣誉部分.
Honors Service Learning
的 established Service Learning Program at San Juan College is outstanding. By participating in service learning, 学生可以在高影响力的实践中帮助他们的社区,将有意义的社区服务与学术学习联系起来, get applied experience utilizing what they learned, and build their resume, 所有这些都使他们对未来的雇主和高等教育机构更有吸引力.
有兴趣参加荣誉服务学习计划的学生需要注册以HSLC为特征的课程. 荣誉服务学习课程在广泛和广泛的科目中教授,并包括荣誉模块. 学生在完成四门荣誉服务学习课程后可以获得荣誉服务学习指定,并可以获得该荣誉的奖学金.
Transfer Scholarships
Cottey College, in Nevada, Missouri, 火博体育是否会根据学生的转学GPA为他们提供学术奖学金.
- Basic Scholars, with a 3.2 GPA或更高,有资格获得每年7,500美元的转学奖学金.
- Master Scholars, with a 3.6 GPA或更高,有资格获得每年10,000美元的转学奖学金.
- In addition, 从火博体育荣誉课程转学的学生将额外获得1美元,000 scholarship a year.
科蒂学院致力于为世界各地的女性提供世界级的教育机会. 探索 Cottey College For questions, email Stephanie in Enrollment at
Please note that Cottey is the college of the P.E. O., the Philanthropic Educational Organization, 它在圣胡安县有三个地方分会,致力于为SJC荣誉毕业生提供额外的奖学金机会.
At Fort Lewis College, small class sizes, engaged faculty, 无与伦比的研究机会提供了在壮观的环境中生活的教育, miles 从 the mainstream. While our top five programs are Business Administration, Health Sciences, Psychology, Engineering, and Biology, our students also focus on regionally amplified subjects, like Environmental Studies and Anthropology, 强调美国西南部独特的地理位置和资源. Thanks to the grit and grime of real-world experience, hands-on learning service, and practical inquiry, 我们的毕业生带着装满技能的工具箱走向他们的未来, 每个人都在磨练,不仅是为了谋生,而且是为了感觉自己有能力把生活过得更充实.
到目前为止,我们为你作为火博体育荣誉毕业生的学术之旅感到自豪,并对你在路易斯堡学院取得成功的能力充满信心. 为了表彰你的成就,我们向你发出四项特别奖学金邀请:
- New Mexico Reciprocal (NMR) Scholarship: NMR奖学金为来自新墨西哥州的符合条件的学生提供州内学费,累积GPA为3.0 or higher. Learn more about the NMR Scholarship.
- San Juan College Reciprocal (SJCR) Scholarship: SJCR奖学金允许文科或理科的SJC副学士毕业生,CGPA在2.75-2.95 to receive in-state tuition at FLC. 获奖者必须在学年结束前完成30个学分,最低CGPA为2.0 to retain the award. Learn more about the SJCR Scholarship.
- Native American 学费 Waiver (NATW): 的 NATW provides tuition-free enrollment to FLC for 成员 of U.S. federally recognized tribes and nations. FLC是全国仅有的两所提供这项福利的四年制公立大学之一. Representing 170 Native American tribes and Alaska Native villages, more than a third of our student body, 有没有利用免全额学费来获得大学学位. 请注意,学生可能不会同时获得新墨西哥州互惠奖和美洲原住民学费减免. Learn more about the Native American 学费 Waiver.
- SJC Honors Scholarship: SJC荣誉奖学金提供1,000美元,用于在FLC的第一年. 该奖学金开放给所有从荣誉课程毕业并获得3分的SJC学生.平均绩点在25分或以上,可以与任何其他奖学金合并获得.
申请路易斯堡学院为火博体育荣誉学生和毕业生提供的特殊奖学金项目, please contact Dr. Bramhall at 要了解更多火博体育转到刘易斯堡学院的信息,请联系Katie Nester
- Dean’s Transfer Scholarship: $1,000 ($500 per semester) - Eligibility: 3.0 – 3.49 cumulative GPA per college transcript
- Legislative Endowment Scholarship: $1,000 ($500 per semester) - Eligibility: NM resident with 3.0 cumulative GPA per college transcript
- Presidential Transfer Scholarship: $1,500 ($750 per semester) - Eligibility: 3.5 or better cumulative GPA per college transcript.
这些奖学金的每一个都可以根据转移的学分延长最多6个学期,但必须完成15个学分和3个学分.0 GPA per semester at NMHU. 获奖者可以转学到拉斯维加斯的NMHU主校区或高地大学法明顿中心. 的 NMHU application fee will be waived for SJC Honors Graduates. For specific questions regarding NMHU,请联系新墨西哥高地大学法明顿中心:505-566-3552.
Honors Graduates 从 San Juan College who transfer to New Mexico State University 有30 - 90个可转换学分的学生将优先获得我们的竞争性转学奖学金. NMSU offers four major transfer scholarships. 的se include:
- Hadley Honors Transfer Scholarship: $3,000 per year for students with a 3.75 - 4.0 cumulative GPA
- 1888 Leadership Transfer Scholarship: $2,500 per year for students with a 3.50 - 3.74 cumulative GPA
- ‘A’ Mountain Merit Transfer Scholarship: $2,000 per year for students with a 3.25 - 3.49 cumulative GPA
- Pete’s Opportunity Transfer Scholarship: $1,500 per year for students with a 3.00 - 3.24 cumulative GPA
In addition to our major scholarships, there is a scholarship specifically dedicated for Phi 的ta Kappa 成员. 的 PTK scholarship is $500 per year for certified PTK 成员 with a GPA of 3.5 or above. Eligible PTK 成员 are able to receive the PTK scholarship in addition to a major scholarship they may receive. All scholarships are renewable for an additional year, 学生每学期必须修满15个学分,并达到更新的GPA要求. For more information please visit New Mexico State University, or email us at
Southwest Minnesota State University is a four-year public university located in Marshall, Minnesota. 我们提供高质量的文科和专业教育,为您的个人和专业成功的生活做好准备. Strong academics, fulfilling social activities, rewarding civic engagement projects, 在一个紧密联系的环境中,无论是在校园还是在在线学习环境中,来自野马同学的支持意味着你将以一生都不会付出的代价获得终身的教育.
祝贺你作为火博体育的荣誉毕业生所取得的成就! 我们相信你也会在西南明尼苏达州立大学找到成功. In recognition of your accomplishments, we are extending an SJC Honors Scholarship, among several other scholarships and sources of financial support.
Scholarships and Other Sources of Financial 援助
- SMSU does not charge out-of-state tuition: SMSU offers in-state tuition to nearly everyone, 使SMSU成为全国最实惠的公立大学之一. For more information see SMSU Fact Book.
- 在线学费对全日制学生来说是负担得起的 (12-18学分单一学费):更多信息请访问 banded tuition.
- Mustang Transfer Scholarship - $1000: 野马转学奖学金提供1000美元,用于在SMSU的第一年,第二年可续借. This scholarship is open to students with a 2.5 CGPA or higher; A.A., A.S., A.A.在上一所学校获得S或60个及格学分,被SMSU录取,并全日制入学.
- SJC Honors Scholarship - $500: SJC荣誉奖学金提供500美元,用于在SMSU的第一年,第二年可续借. 该奖学金开放给所有从荣誉课程毕业并获得3分的SJC学生.平均绩点在25分或以上,可以与任何其他奖学金合并获得.
- Additional Scholarships: 我们鼓励SJC转学生申请SMSU提供的各种其他奖学金! 看到 Scholarships for more information.
- Housing Scholarship - $500/semester: 住房奖学金提供给有兴趣住在校园里和全日制学习的学生.
- Federal 援助 (grants and loans): U.S. Citizens & 符合条件的非公民可以通过联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)申请联邦援助。. For more information visit SMSU's Financial 援助 FAQ's
- 在野势力的/SJC Honors Program Scholarship – up to two (2) one thousand dollar ($1,000), 在新墨西哥大学阿尔伯克基校区就读的第一学期,SJC荣誉项目的毕业生将获得一次性奖学金.
- 在野势力的 Transfer Scholarship - $2,000/year up to 4 semesters – 3.25 cumulative college transfer GPA. 秋季学期申请截止日期为3月1日,春季学期申请截止日期为12月1日.
- Phi 的ta Kappa – All-State Academic Team Scholarship - $1,250美元/年,最多4个学期-必须入选PTK全州学术团队. 秋季学期申请截止日期为3月1日,春季学期申请截止日期为12月1日.
Please visit 在野势力的 Scholarships for complete details. For more information about 在野势力的 please visit 在野势力的 Admissions
For further information email the following:
- Ashlynn Coffman
- Catherine Walker Grobler
Wayland is proud to offer its Blue & Gold Transfer Scholarship to outstanding transfer students 从 San Juan College Honors program. 该奖项可用于每16周学期最多15小时的面对面课程的学费. It is based on a cumulative WBU transfer GPA, and is renewable for up to 8 continuous enrollment semesters. 学期数以在其他学校就读的学期数为基础.
- $5000.00 a year for those transferring in with a GPA 3.75 - 4.0.
- Students must have a GPA of 2.75 First Semester and a GPA 3.0 Subsequent Semesters
- $3000.00 a year for those transferring GPA 3.25 - 3.74
- Students must have a GPA 2.75 First Semester and a GPA 3.0 Subsequent Semesters
- $1500.00 a year for those transferring GPA 2.75 - 3.724
- Students must have a GPA 2.75 First Semester and a GPA 3.0 Subsequent Semesters
- 新SAT成绩1200+或ACT成绩25+的学生可减免1/3学费.
- Students must maintain a GPA of 2.75 First Semester and GPA 3.0 Subsequent Semesters.
- Phi 的ta Kappa 成员 will receive 2/3 off tuition.
- Students must maintain a GPA 2.75 the First Semester at WBU and 3.5 subsequent semesters.
这些奖学金只适用于普莱恩维尤校区和转学奖学金. Scholarships are limited, 符合条件的学生将按照他们提交完整申请的日期获得考虑. For more information, call or text 806-576-1471, email or visit Wayland Admissions Pioneering excellence!
荣誉学生有资格获得优秀学术转学奖学金, worth $600 per academic year. 我们愿意为转学到西北医科大学的前五名学生提供1000美元的住房奖学金(每学期).
Fort Lewis College | Weber State University |
New Mexico Highlands University | BYU Idaho |
New Mexico State University | Lee University |
South Eastern Louisiana University | University of South Florida |
University of New Mexico | Arizona State University |
Wake Forest University | Southwestern University |
University of Southern Mississippi | University of Hawaii |
University of Colorado | 德克萨斯州的一个&M University |
New Mexico Tech | South Dakota School of Mines |
Colorado Christian University | Aspen College |
Eastern New Mexico University | Purdue University |
University of Arizona | San Diego State University |
University of Missouri | University of Tampa |
Brigham Young University | Utah State University |
Grand Canyon University |